Alpha with St John's and CCiL (Chinese Church in London)
❓Meet new people and explore the Christian faith together in a welcoming and friendly space. Alpha is for anyone who’s curious. No judgement, no pressure. Each session unpacks a big question of life, faith and purpose, and is designed to spark conversation.
Each session looks at a different question around life and faith from a Christian perspective. You’ll be hosted in a group with great (free) food, and have time to chat through any thoughts. You can say anything you like, ask any questions or nothing at all. For Alpha online, we can’t offer food, but the talk and good conversation still work great over video call 💻!
You don’t have to commit to the whole term – pop along for the first session and see what you think. Everyone’s welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you’re invited. Come hungry for free good food, make new friends and have great conversations! Why not come along, see what you think?
You can find real stories of real people who were curious about faith.
Please follow the link for more stories.
Groups are available in Engliss or Cantonese subject to sufficient participant interest.
We hope you will be inspired along the way to explore life, faith and meaning. Ready to come for a journey? Sign-up today below.
#StayCurious #TryAlpha #WhatDoYouThink
Over 30 million people have tried Alpha in 112 different languages in over 100 countries globally. Find out more about Alpha here.